For information about how to fill out and file court forms, read Basics of Court Forms and Filings at the Civil Law Self Help Center located at the Regional Justice Center or you may visit the Clark County Law Library for assistance.
The Court has provided these Forms and Instructions as a courtesy only. The Justice Court shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with furnishing these documents. Many law matters involve complex and valuable legal rights. These Forms and instructions are basic and general and do not fit all situations. To protect your rights, you should consider consulting with an attorney. By Statute, Court employees are prohibited from providing legal advice.
**Attention All Civil e-Filers: If you are filing a new case using a civil cover sheet, the civil cover sheet should be filed as the last document of your new complaint.**
To begin e-filing click the following link:
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Small Claims Complaint form and a copy of the Demand Letter and proof of certified mailing of the demand letter are the only documents that are filed to open a case. NOTE:& Page #2 (Instructions) must be served after the complaint has been opened and is provided as a courtesy with the Complaint form.
document seq 0.00 document seq 0.00 document seq 0.00This form may be used to open a Small Claims case when the Plaintiff is requesting to have the filing fees waived. The Plaintiff must e-file within the same filing envelope, their Small Claims Complaint that includes a copy of the Demand Letter and Proof of Mailing the demand letter by certified return receipt mail over 10 days ago. Each document must be saved as a separate PDF file and uploaded as separate lead documents within the one filing envelope.
Give to your process server to complete to document service of the small claims complaint and related documents.
This document is NOT filed with the Court, but is prepared and provided to the Constable by the Judgment Creditor (party who won the case and is attempting to collect monies). It is part of the Writ of Execution process. It is only provided as a courtesy on this website.
document seq 0.00This document is NOT filed with the Court, but is prepared and provided to the Constable by the Judgment Creditor (party who won the case and is attempting to collect monies). It is part of the Writ of Execution process. It is only provided as a courtesy on this website.
document seq 0.00This document is NOT filed with the Court, but prepared to provide specific Instructions to the Sheriff; It is only provided as courtesy on this website.
document seq 0.00This document is NOT filed with the Court, but prepared to provide specific Instructions to the Sheriff; It is only provided as courtesy on this website.
Complete and e-file the Counterclaim form. Be careful to list the party names as requested on the form. Do not file the Instruction sheet (page #2). That form must be served with the FILED stamped copy of the Counterclaim and the Counterclaim Reply form and is provided here as a courtesy. There is no filing fees paid to the Court to file a Counterclaim.
Complete and e-file the one page Small Claims Answer form with attachments scanned after the Answer form. Do not file the Instruction sheet that prints as page #2.
Complete and e-file the Counterclaim Reply form when you have been served a Counter Claim and want to Answer it. Be careful to list the party names as requested on the form. Do not file the Instruction Sheet, it is only provided as a courtesy.
Complete and e-file this form if you are the Plaintiff or Counter/Plaintiff and no longer want to continue the case. "With Prejudice" means you will not file any other claims regarding this matter. "Without Prejudice" means you may file a new claim for the same matter. You may dismiss the entire case or some of the defendants using this form.
E-file the Motion for Satisfaction of Judgment (page 1). Mail or Deliver the Order for Satisfaction of Judgment (page 2) to the Clerk's Office for signature of the Judge.
document seq 0.00To request the Judge's approval to serve the Defendant by Certified Mail, a series of documents must be filed and delivered to the Court. Step 1: Complete and E-file page #2, Declaration of Due Diligence in Support of Motion for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail. This document should be completed by your Process Server who could not serve the Defendant. Step 2: Complete and e-file page #1, Motion for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail. Step 3: Complete and Deliver page #3: Order for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail to the Clerk's Office to submit to the Judge to sign. Step 4: After signed, then you may serve the 3 required documents by Certified, Return Receipt Mail. Step 5: Complete and e-file page #4, Certificate of Mailing, with Proof of the Delivery of the Certified Mail. If the USPS post card is not returned with a date and signature, use a printout from the USPS website showing the certified mail delivery being made. The day the mail was delivered is considered the date of service.
document seq 0.00To request the Judge's approval to serve the Defendant by Certified Mail, a series of documents must be filed and delivered to the Court. Step 1: Complete and E-file page #2, Declaration of Due Diligence in Support of Motion for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail. This document should be completed by your Process Server who could not serve the Defendant. Step 2: Complete and e-file page #1, Motion for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail. Step 3: Complete and Deliver page #3: Order for Service of Small Claims Complaint by Certified Mail to the Clerk's Office to submit to the Judge to sign. Step 4: After signed, then you may serve the 3 required documents by Certified, Return Receipt Mail. Step 5: Complete and e-file page #4, Certificate of Mailing, with Proof of the Delivery of the Certified Mail. If the USPS post card is not returned with a date and signature, use a printout from the USPS website showing the certified mail delivery being made. The day the mail was delivered is considered the date of service.
document seq 0.00The Court must have sufficient time to obtain the approval from the Judge at least one business day prior to the hearing. As soon as you are aware that you must appear by Telephone, e-file the Motion. Do not wait until the day before the hearing.
document seq 0.00This form is only used by the Plaintiff(s) or Counter Plaintiff(s) when the Court has sent them a Notice of Impending Dismissal Pursuant to JCRCP41(e).
document seq 0.00 Must be filed individually and not part of an Answer to Small Claims Complaint. document seq 0.00Complete and e-file this form when one of the parties fails to perform the action agreed upon in Mediation. A copy of the Mediation Agreement must be attached as page #2. The Court will prepare an Order for the Judge to sign after this motion has been filed.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file this form when other Motion forms do not apply. A Motion is a request to have a hearing. The Court will prepare an Order for the Judge to Sign.
document seq 0.00 document seq 0.00Complete and e-file this form if a "Default Judgment" has been entered against you and you want to contest it. The Court will prepare an Order for this Motion after it has been filed.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file this form if a "Default Judgment" has been entered against you and you want to contest it. The Court will prepare an Order for this Motion after it has been filed.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file this form if your case was Dismissed and you want the Court to reconsider the decision. The Court will prepare the Order.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file if you oppose the Motion for to Enter Mediation Agreement as Judgment that has been filed by someone else on the case.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file if you oppose the Motion for to Enter Mediation Agreement as Judgment that has been filed by someone else on the case
document seq 0.00The Court must have sufficient time to obtain the approval from the Judge at least one business day prior to the hearing. As soon as you are aware that you need to continue mediation or hearing, prepare and e-file the Motion for Small Claim Continuance. Do not wait until the day before the hearing.
document seq 0.00Complete and e-file if you oppose the Court's Motion to Dismiss the Small Claims case pursuant to JCRPC 41(E)
This form is used to advise the Court that the Small Claims case has been included in a Bankruptcy case or of any changes to the Bankruptcy case that may impact the Small Claims case.