Career Test

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fits my personality strengths.

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Free Career Test

Answer 60 quick
questions about you.

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wrong answers.

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Your personality strengths are calculated as a Fit Score for every available career. Plus, salary, demand, education, how to get started, jobs hiring near you and more. Explore 1000+ Careers

Work Personality Fingerprint

work personality fingerprint

An artistic depiction of your personality strengths. Share on LinkedIn or social media. Begin Career Assessment

aptitude aversion assessment icon A3

A ptitude
A version
A ssessment

examples of aptitude test questions

This is another assessment by CareerFitter that integrates after the work personality career
test to further refine
your best
career choices.

aptitude test donut chart example of answers impact on career choices

A3 is available for Premium Users.

examples of aptitude test questions aptitude test donut chart example of answers impact on career choices

College students taking the free online career test.

Why do students need to take this career test?

chart of college graduates working in their degree

62% of college graduates are not working in the field of their degree after college.
Average cost of college: $192,000